Training ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor-CN Kit & New ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor-CN Test Sample
Training ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor-CN Kit & New ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor-CN Test Sample
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PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor exam (ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor中文版) Sample Questions (Q82-Q87):
您的團隊目前正在對代表外部客戶儲存資料的組織進行第三方監督審核。接受培訓的審核員的任務是審查適用性聲明 (SoA) 中列出的並在現場實施的實體控制措施。
- A. 對人員進行驗證檢查
- B. 資訊資產清單的開發與維護
- C. 資訊安全意識、教育與培訓
- D. 進出裝載區的通道
- E. 電源線和資料線如何進入建築物
- F. 現場閉路電視和門禁系統的運行
- G. 組織維護設備的安排
- H. 組織的業務連續性安排
Answer: D,E,F,G
The four controls from the list that are related to PHYSICAL aspects of the ISMS are:
* Access to and from the loading bay
* How power and data cables enter the building
* The operation of the site CCTV and door control systems
* The organisation's arrangements for maintaining equipment
These controls are derived from the ISO 27001 Annex A, which provides a comprehensive list of information security controls that can be applied to an ISMS1. The other controls in the list are more related to ORGANIZATIONAL, LEGAL, or HUMAN aspects of the ISMS, which are also important, but not the focus of this question.
According to the ISMS Auditing Guideline2, the auditor in training should review the PHYSICAL controls by:
* Checking the SoA to identify the applicable controls and their implementation status
* Interviewing the relevant staff and management to verify their understanding and involvement in the controls
* Observing the physical and environmental conditions to confirm the existence and effectiveness of the controls
* Examining the relevant documents and records to validate the compliance and performance of the controls I hope this helps you prepare for the exam.
場景 4:Branding 是一家行銷公司,與美國一些最著名的公司合作。降低內部成本。兩年多來,Branding 已將軟體開發和 IT 幫助台營運外包給 Techvology。技術學。配備必要的專業知識,管理品牌的軟體、網路和硬體需求。 Branding 已實施資訊安全管理系統 (ISMS) 並獲得了 ISO/IEC 27001 認證,表明其致力於維護高標準的資訊安全。它積極對技術進行審計,以確保其外包業務的安全性符合 ISO/IEC 27001 認證要求。
在上次審計期間。品牌的審計團隊定義了要審計的流程和審計計畫。他們採用了基於證據的方法,特別是考慮到 Techvology 在過去一年中報告的兩起資訊安全事件。所有方面。
審計員對 Techvology 各級人員進行了採訪,並分析了事件解決記錄。此外,Techvology 還提供了記錄作為證據,證明他們為員工開展了事件管理意識會議。根據收集到的信息,他們預測這兩起資訊安全事件都是由人員不稱職造成的。因此,審計人員要求查看涉事員工的人事檔案,以審查其能力的證據,例如相關經驗、證書和參與培訓的記錄。
Branding 的審計員對所獲得的證據的有效性進行了嚴格評估,並對可能與收到的記錄資訊的可靠性相矛盾或質疑的證據保持警惕。在對 Techvology 進行審計期間,審計員堅持這種方法,嚴格評估事件解決記錄,並對不同級別和職能的員工進行徹底的訪談。他們不只把 Techvology 代表的話當作事實;相反,他們尋求具體的證據來支持代表們對事件管理流程的主張。
根據 ISO/IEC 27001 的要求,是否需要透過品牌來持續控制 Techvology 提供的服務?
- A. 是的,但前提是這是兩家公司之間合約協議中規定的要求
- B. 不,Branding 不負責控制 Techvology 提供的服務,但負責監控它們
- C. 是的,品牌負責控制和監控 Techvology 服務的品質
Answer: C
Comprehensive and Detailed In-Depth
A . Correct answer:
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A Control A.5.19 (Information Security in Supplier Relationships) requires organizations to monitor and control their suppliers to ensure compliance with security requirements.
Branding must monitor, assess, and ensure Techvology maintains compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 and outsourcing agreements.
B . Incorrect:
Even if not explicitly stated in the contract, ISO/IEC 27001 requires continual supplier monitoring.
C . Incorrect:
Branding is responsible for both controlling and monitoring outsourced services, not just monitoring them.
Relevant Standard Reference:
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A Control A.5.19 (Supplier Security Compliance)
場景 6:Cyber ACrypt 是一家網路安全公司,透過提供反惡意軟體和設備安全、資產生命週期管理和設備加密來提供端點保護。為了根據 ISO/IEC 27001 驗證其 ISMS 並證明其對網路安全卓越的承諾,該公司經歷了由指定審計團隊負責人 John 領導的細緻的審計過程。
在接受審計任務後,John 立即組織了一次會議,概述了審計計劃和團隊角色。他們審查了 Cyber ACrypt 的文檔信息,包括資訊安全政策和操作程序,確保每一份文件都符合標準並具有標準化的格式,包括作者標識、生產日期、版本號和批准日期。這次徹底的檢查旨在確定持續改進和遵守 ISMS 要求。該文件對於審計團隊和 Cyber ACrypt 了解初步審計結果和需要關注的領域至關重要。
審計組也決定對主要相關方進行訪談。這項決定的目的是收集可靠的審計證據來驗證管理系統是否符合 ISO/IEC 27001 的要求。與 Cyber ACrypt 各個層級的相關方進行接觸為審計團隊提供了寶貴的觀點以及對 ISMS 的實施和有效性的理解。
第一階段審計報告揭露了值得關注的關鍵領域。適用性聲明 (SoA) 和 ISMS 政策在多個方面存在缺陷,包括風險評估不足、存取控制不充分以及缺乏定期政策審查。這促使 Cyber ACrypt 立即採取行動來解決這些缺陷。他們對戰略文件的快速回應和修改體現出了對實現合規的堅定承諾。
為了彌補審計團隊的網路安全知識差距而引入的技術專長在識別風險評估方法中的缺陷和審查網路架構方面發揮了關鍵作用。這包括評估防火牆、入侵偵測和預防系統以及其他網路安全措施,以及評估 Cyber ACrypt 如何偵測、回應和恢復外部和內部威脅。在約翰的監督下,技術專家將審計結果傳達給了 Cyber ACrypt 的代表。然而,審計小組發現,由於收取了被審計單位的諮詢費,該專家的客觀性可能受到影響。考慮到技術專家在審核過程中的行為,審核組長決定與認證機構討論這個問題。
- A. 準備現場活動,包括資訊安全政策和操作程序以供審查
- B. 記錄第一階段稽核輸出時未包含相關證據或支持文件
- C. 透過評估 Cyber ACrypt 政策的管理責任來進行現場活動
Answer: B
Comprehensive and Detailed In-Depth
C . Correct Answer:
The audit team documented findings, but the scenario does not confirm whether sufficient supporting evidence was included.
ISO 19011:2018 requires audit findings to be properly documented and justified with evidence.
Failing to document evidence reduces audit credibility.
A . Incorrect:
Preparing for the audit by reviewing policies and procedures is correct practice.
B . Incorrect:
Evaluating management responsibility for ISMS compliance is a required step in Stage 1.
Relevant Standard Reference:
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Clause 9.2 (Internal Audit)
- A. ISMS 政策已有效傳達給組織
- B. 風險登記冊自 202X 年 6 月以來尚未更新
- C. 兩次內部審核的糾正措施尚未完成
- D. ISMS 入門訓練不提供惡意軟體預防的指導
- E. 組織的 ISMS 目標符合 ISO/IEC 27001:2022 的要求
- F. 適用範圍基於 ISO/IEC 27001 2013 版,而非 2022 版
Answer: A,E
The two statements that are valid audit conclusions are:
* The ISMS policy has been effectively communicated to the organisation
* The organisation's ISMS objectives meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 According to ISO 19011:2018, an audit conclusion is the outcome of an audit, provided by the audit team after considering the audit objectives and all audit findings1. An audit conclusion can be positive or negative, depending on whether the audit criteria are fulfilled or not. An audit conclusion can also include recommendations for improvement or recognition of good practices.
The statements D and E are valid audit conclusions, because they express the outcome of the audit based on the audit criteria and findings. For example:
* Statement D is a positive audit conclusion, because it indicates that the organisation has fulfilled the requirement of clause 5.2.2 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the ISMS policy must be communicated within the organisation and to relevant interested parties2. The audit team must have obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to support this conclusion, such as records of communication, awareness activities, feedback, etc.
* Statement E is a positive audit conclusion, because it indicates that the organisation has fulfilled the requirement of clause 6.2 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the organisation must establish ISMS objectives that are consistent with the ISMS policy and relevant to the information security risks3. The audit team must have obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to support this conclusion, such as records of objective setting, risk assessment, alignment with policy, etc.
The other statements are not valid audit conclusions, because they do not express the outcome of the audit based on the audit criteria and findings. They are rather examples of audit findings, which are the results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against the audit criteria4. Audit findings can indicate either conformity or nonconformity with the audit criteria, or opportunities for improvement. For example:
* Statement A is a negative audit finding, because it indicates a nonconformity with the requirement of clause 7.2.2 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the organisation must provide information security awareness education and training to persons under its control5. The audit team must have identified and documented this nonconformity, and reported it to the auditee.
* Statement B is a negative audit finding, because it indicates a nonconformity with the requirement of clause 6.1.2 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the organisation must maintain and review the information security risk assessment at planned intervals or when significant changes occur6. The audit team must have identified and documented this nonconformity, and reported it to the auditee.
* Statement C is a negative audit finding, because it indicates a nonconformity with the requirement of clause 10.1 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the organisation must take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities and prevent recurrence7. The audit team must have identified and documented this nonconformity, and reported it to the auditee.
* Statement F is a negative audit finding, because it indicates a nonconformity with the requirement of clause 6.1.3 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which states that the organisation must determine the controls that are necessary to implement the risk treatment plan, and document them in the statement of applicability8. The audit team must have identified and documented this nonconformity, and reported it to the auditee.
- A. 限制訪談指定方
- B. 必要時不要改變清單
- C. 確保遵循相關審核跟踪
- D. 確保審核計畫得到實施
- E. 每次審核都使用相同的清單,無需審核
- F. 減少審核時間
Answer: C,D
A checklist is a tool that helps auditors to collect and verify information relevant to the audit objectives and scope. It can provide the following advantages:
Ensuring relevant audit trails are followed: A checklist can help auditors to identify and trace the sources of evidence that support the conformity or nonconformity of the audited criteria. It can also help auditors to avoid missing or overlooking any important aspects of the audit.
Ensuring the audit plan is implemented: A checklist can help auditors to follow and fulfil the audit plan, which describes the arrangements and details of the audit, such as the objectives, scope, criteria, schedule, roles, and responsibilities. It can also help auditors to manage their time and resources effectively and efficiently.
The other options are not advantages of using a checklist, but rather:
Using the same checklist for every audit without review: This is a disadvantage of using a checklist, as it can lead to a rigid and ineffective audit approach. A checklist should be tailored and adapted to each specific audit, taking into account the context, risks, and changes of the auditee and the audit criteria. A checklist should also be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure its validity and relevance.
Restricting interviews to nominated parties: This is a disadvantage of using a checklist, as it can limit the scope and depth of the audit. A checklist should not prevent auditors from interviewing other relevant parties or sources of information that may provide valuable evidence or insights for the audit. A checklist should be used as a guide, not as a constraint.
Reducing audit duration: This is not necessarily an advantage of using a checklist, as it depends on various factors, such as the complexity, size, and maturity of the auditee's ISMS, the availability and quality of evidence, the competence and experience of the auditors, and the level of cooperation and communication between the auditors and the auditee. A checklist may help reduce audit duration by improving efficiency and organization, but it may also increase audit duration by requiring more evidence or verification.
Not varying from the checklist when necessary: This is a disadvantage of using a checklist, as it can result in a superficial or incomplete audit. A checklist should not prevent auditors from exploring or investigating any issues or concerns that arise during the audit, even if they are not included in the checklist. A checklist should be used as a support, not as a substitute.
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor (Information Security Management Systems) objectives and content from and PECB ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems [Section 6.2.2]
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